Читать книгу Microaggressions in Everyday Life онлайн | страница 10

 Strength through Adversity

 The Way Forward: Responding Strategically and Resisting Microaggressions

Chapter 6—Microaggressive Perpetrators: Who, What, When, How, and Why?

 Who Are Microaggressive Perpetrators?

 How and Why Do Individuals Perpetrate Microaggressions?Using the Tools: Creating and Maintaining DominancePower to Impose a Biased Reality

 What Makes It So Difficult for Perpetrators to Recognize Their Privilege?Layer One—Fear of Appearing BiasedLayer Two—Fear of Recognizing One's Complicity in OppressionLayer Three—Fear of Acknowledging One's PrivilegeLayer Four—Fear of Taking Personal Responsibility to End Oppression

 What Are the Costs of Microaggressions to Perpetrators?Cognitive Costs of OppressionEmotional Costs of OppressionBehavioral Costs of OppressionSpiritual and Moral Costs of Oppression

 The Way Forward: The Ethical Mandate

Section Three—Interrogating Microaggressions: On Research, Teaching, and Counseling

Chapter 7—Researching Microaggressions: Show Me the Evidence!

 In Their Own Words: Qualitative Investigation of MicroaggressionsPurposive SamplesFocus GroupsIndividual InterviewsOther Data SourcesTrustworthiness

 Do Findings Generalize? Quantitative Investigation of MicroaggressionsMeasuring MicroaggressionsQuantitative Research Designs


 The Way Forward: Future Research Directions

Chapter 8—Teaching About Microaggressions

 Faculty Narratives: Facing Challenges in the ClassroomChallenges Faculty Members of Color FaceChallenges White Faculty Members Face

 Encountering Microaggressions in the Classroom

 Navigating Microaggressions: What Can Educators Do?

 Microaggressions Pedagogy: How to Teach about Microaggressions

 The Way Forward: General Strategies for Facilitating Difficult Dialogues on Race

Chapter 9—Microaggressions in Counseling and Psychotherapy

 Underutilization of Mental Health Services

 Premature Termination and Quality of Mental Health Care

 Multicultural Counseling Competence

 Manifestation of Racial Microaggressions in Counseling and Psychotherapy

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