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 Microaggressions, Marginality, and Harmful Impact

 The Way Forward: Making the “Invisible” Visible

Chapter 2—Taxonomy of Microaggressions

 Conscious and Deliberate Bigotry versus Unconscious and Unintentional BiasThe Changing Face of Racism, Sexism, and HeterosexismMicroaggressions

 Environmental Macroaggressions

 Forms of MicroaggressionsMicroassults

 Microinsults and Microinvalidations: Common ThemesMicroinsultsMicroinvalidations

 The Way Forward: Defining, Recognizing, and Deconstructing Hidden Messages in Microaggressions

Chapter 3—The Psychological Dilemmas and Dynamics of Microaggressions

 Clash of Racial Realities: “You Are Just Being Hypersensitive and Misreading the Situation!”

 Invisibility of Unintentional Biases: “I'm Not a Racist!”

 Perceived Minimal Harm of Microaggressions: “Don't Make a Mountain Out of a Molehill!”

 The Catch‐22 of Responding to Microaggressions: “You're Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don't!”

 The Way Forward: Dealing with Psychological Dilemmas

Section Two—Microaggressive Impact on Targets and Perpetrators

Chapter 4—The Microaggression Process Model: The Internal Struggle of Targets

 Tracing the Impact of MicroaggressionsPhase One—The Potential Microaggressive Incident or EventPhase Two—Initial Assessment and Questioning of the IncidentPhase Three—Reaction ProcessesPhase Four—Interpretation and MeaningPhase Five—Consequences and Impact

 The Microaggression Process Model: Recap

 The Way Forward: Strength through Adversity

Chapter 5—Microaggressive Stress: Impact on Physical and Psychological Well‐Being

 Biological Stressors: A Roadmap to Understanding Microaggressive Harm

 Psychological and Social StressorsMicroaggressions and Daily HasslesImpact of Everyday HasslesThe Life‐Change Model of StressThe Transactional Model of StressSituating Stress in the Macro‐Context of Oppression

 The Harmful Effects of Microaggressive StressPhysical Health Effects of Microaggressive StressorsPsychological Health Effects of Microaggressive Stressors

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