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Third, another major addition to the book is ssss1, “Researching Microaggressions: Show Me the Evidence,” and our stance that there are multiple ways to ask and answer questions about the human condition, especially in the study of microaggressions. Unlike some scholars who minimize the importance of experiential reality and targets’ perspectives, we believe that methodological diversity is necessary and must involve to some degree people's lived experiences. We provide a historical look at how the study of microaggressions has evolved over the years; the advantages and disadvantages of specific research strategies; and a description of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies used to portray a more comprehensive picture of the nature, manifestation, expression, and impact of microaggressions and how these aspects vary for different groups in different contexts. Of special relevance to future researchers, we provide an overview of more than a dozen microaggression scales commonly used to research these forms of bias.

Fourth, throughout the book we distinguish between the usage of the terms “microaggressions” and “macroaggressions.” In our earlier formulation of microaggression theory, we concentrated primarily on microassaults, microinsults, and microinvalidations. This led to confusion when some in the public began to use the term “macroaggressions” to indicate the immense harm that often resulted from a microaggression. Unlike microaggressions, which are situated in microlevel interpersonal contexts, macroaggressions affect whole groups or classes of people because they are systemic in nature. Further, microaggressions reside in the beliefs and attitudes of individuals, while macroaggressions reside in the programs, policies, and practices of institutions and society. Disarming or counteracting microaggressions refers to neutralizing bigotry among individuals, whereas combating macroaggressions refers to changing the policies and practices of organizations and institutions that deny equal access and opportunity for all.

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