Читать книгу Microaggressions in Everyday Life онлайн | страница 11

 Microaggressions Influence Counseling Process and OutcomesInnovative Research Approaches

 The Way Forward: Microaggressions Implications for Practice and Research

Section Four—Disarming Microaggressions and Macroaggressions

Chapter 10—Microintervention Strategies for Disarming Microaggressions and Macroaggressions

 Microaggressions and Macroaggressions

 The Need to Take Action: Targets, Allies, and BystandersTargetsAlliesBystanders

 Responding to Microaggressions and Macroaggressions

 MicrointerventionsStrategic Goal: Make the “Invisible” VisibleStrategic Goal: Disarm the MicroaggressionStrategic Goal: Educate the PerpetratorStrategic Goal: Seek External Intervention or Support

 Microinterventions and Macroaggressions

 Context Matters

 The Way Forward: Microinterventions and the New Research Frontier

It is important to note that a major goal of the text is to present research data, theory, and practical suggestions on how to overcome microaggressions that target members of marginalized groups and to make specific suggestions related to how microaggressions can be ameliorated at individual, institutional, and societal levels. To further emphasize remedial and preventive interventions, we updated the special concluding sections in each chapter, “The Way Forward,” to provide guidelines, strategies, and interventions that readers can enact to reduce the frequency and impact of microaggressions in our society. We also devote an entire chapter (ssss1) to offer readers a conceptual framework and specific microintervention tactics.

In closing, we would like to personally acknowledge our family and partners for their encouragement, support, and help throughout this project. Derald Wing Sue would like to dedicate this book to his wife, Paulina, his son Derald Paul and wife Claire, granddaughters Caroline and Juliette, his daughter Marissa Catherine and husband Neal, and grandsons Niam and Kiran. Lisa B. Spanierman would like to dedicate this book to Tony Clark for his unwavering support, her parents, Brenda and Ron, and her sister, Dana. She would also like to thank Jorge Ballesteros, Shelby Messerschmitt‐Coen, and Jackson Liguori for their helpful research assistance.

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