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Fifth, being both educators and mental health practitioners, we introduce two completely revised chapters: ssss1, “Teaching About Microaggressions,” which has implications for educators, and ssss1, “Microaggressions in Counseling and Psychotherapy.” As it is nearly impossible to separate the practice of teaching about microaggressions from the dynamics of encountering microaggressions in the classroom, in ssss1 we focus on teaching about microaggressions as well as using teachable moments effectively when microaggressions occur in our classrooms. In ssss1 we underscore how clients’ presenting concerns may be related to microaggressive harm in their everyday lives. We also emphasize how well‐intentioned helping professionals unknowingly commit harmful microaggressions toward their clients in the therapeutic context, which is especially concerning because clients seek therapy to resolve problems. Culturally insensitive therapeutic practice can lead to secondary trauma, especially among clients who experience multiple microaggressions in their everyday lives. If microaggressions are not addressed in therapy or, worse yet, if a therapist commits microaggressions during a session, clients may never receive the help they need. In this chapter we describe briefly mental health disparities in terms of underutilization, premature termination, and quality of care. We also review cutting‐edge counseling process and outcomes research that investigates microaggressions in the therapy context.

Microaggressions in Everyday Life, Second Edition is divided into four major sections.

Section One—Psychological Manifestation and Dynamics of Microaggressions

Chapter 1—Microaggressions as Toxic Rain: Here, There and Everywhere!

 What Are Microaggressions?

 Racial MicroaggressionsThe Invisibility and Nebulous Nature of Everyday Racism

 Gender Microaggressions

 Sexual‐Orientation Microaggressions

 Misunderstanding MicroaggressionsStop Making Mountains Out of Molehills!Everything’s a Microaggression in This Climate of Political CorrectnessYour Analysis Is Flawed

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