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Those of you familiar with the first edition will note that major changes have occurred in coverage and emphasis due to my collaboration with Dr. Lisa B. Spanierman, an expert scholar and researcher on the psychosocial costs of racism to White Americans, the detrimental impact of microaggressions to targets, and the roles and responsibilities of White racial justice allies. Her expertise in this revised edition offers a fresh contemporary look, incorporates new and important topical areas, and applies microaggression research to everyday life. Although there are a number of major organizational and topical changes, we have maintained three key features that our readers consistently declare as extremely helpful: (a) using real‐life examples or case vignettes at the opening of most chapters to illustrate the upcoming content; (b) employing contemporary interpersonal, social, and political events that anchor the concepts of explicit and implicit bias; and (c) concluding each chapter with a section titled “The Way Forward” that provides concrete future actions/directions to combat microaggressions.

Organizationally, we have eliminated three chapters from the first edition that deal separately with racial microaggressions, gender microaggressions, and sexual‐orientation microaggressions. Instead, we have incorporated these group‐based microaggressions throughout the chapters and discussed microaggressions in an integrated fashion, pointing out similarities and differences between the targeted groups.

What Is New to the Second Edition?

According to many psychologists and educators, the taxonomy of microaggressions has revolutionized the way we think about prejudice and discrimination. Since the publication of “Racial Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Implications for Clinical Practice” (Sue, Capodilupo, et al., 2007) and of Microaggressions in Everyday Life: Race, Gender and Sexual Orientation (Sue, 2010), there have been over 20,000 publications on the topic (Google Scholar, October 2018). The journal article and book have generated a multitude of research studies, conceptual/analytical models, case studies, anecdotal reports, and editorial/opinion pieces. This current edition was guided by the most up‐to‐date research findings on microaggressions, resulting in what we hope will become an equally important and groundbreaking standard for the field. The new features/topics of Microaggressions in Everyday Life, Second Edition are discussed next.

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