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– But I have no talents. Besides, I don’t want to leave. «Although I would like to meet with the adviser. Maybe not only to meet.

– You can’t refuse. Here look. Mother pointed to the seal at the end of the letter. This is the seal of the king. We cannot disobey his orders. And then we are executed. Forgive me daughter. I started all this. I wanted to find you a husband. Maybe a butler or footman. And here’s how it all turned out.

– Don’t worry mama. I won’t get lost. I’m strong.

– I know.

We hugged and cried for a long time. Such is the share of a girl in this gloomy world.

Chapter 5

The day passed quickly. And here is the evening. The carriage will arrive soon. And I will be taken into the unknown.

– I’m afraid mom. – I stood near the entrance and hugged my mother

– Do not be afraid, daughter. The main thing is not to let yourself be offended. And don’t borrow. We still don’t have the money to pay. But I have one thing for you. Mom reached into the pocket of her wide pirate skirt. Anything could be stored there. – This thing was with you when I found you on the seashore. I will never forget that storm. I’m so sorry about what happened to you. But I’m glad you’re with me. Here you are.

She handed me a ring. Obviously enchanted. Magic pulsed through him. There was something written on it. But time has wiped everything out and cannot be disassembled. Maybe it’s an extinct language. I took it and put it on my index finger. A wave of warmth passed through my body.

– Thank you mom. I will keep it as the most valuable treasure.

The sound of a carriage was heard in the distance. Such frisky horses could be heard from afar. The white carriage came for me. Of course, not as luxurious as the adviser Claudius Knuth.

– Lady Julia, I’m behind you. – Said the young guy driver. Handsome and strong. There were no such beauties in the village.

I went to the carriage.

– Take care. – Became the last words that I heard at home.

The carriage moved. All my old world was left behind. The coachman cast a spell. The carriage was covered with a blue glow. In a moment we were already in the cozy courtyard of the royal capital.

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