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A girl at the Demon Academy

They don’t know who I am and neither do I

Рамиль Латыпов

© Рамиль Латыпов, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0056-6893-6

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

Chapter 1

Pleasant sea breeze. Cold, but still sunny. Spring is coming. But such unexpected but pleasant news came to our small house on the shores of the great sea of Elios. About the new guest. To my named mother, Terezi Silver. Former pirate and adventurer. That she decided to live by the sea and trade in her shop «Silver Potions». She found me as a baby on the seashore and named me Julia Silver. After all, she found me in July. I was a few months old and washed ashore. She decided that the assistant in the shop did not fit her. She couldn’t have her own children. Indeed, on one of her robbed ships, the warlock Logan Ontra sailed and he cursed the entire crew. But who would have thought that her old friend and employer would come to visit her. King Rex Derig’s adviser, Lord Claudius Whip. He must have business with us. But what. My mother has been out of work for a long time. She doesn’t have her own ship. The shop is small and does not bring in much money. Our fishing town «Sea Destiny» buzzed with this news. The adviser Claudius Knut himself. This hasn’t happened for many years. As a trading alliance of the five kingdoms issued an edict against piracy. And our ships were mercilessly sunk in the sea as soon as they leave the port. Fish is our only source of income.

– Why is he coming mom? Such an important demon. And in our shack. – I took my mother by the strong hands of an experienced warrior.

– My daughter Julia. I dont know. He saw you as a child. Maybe he wants to get married. – Mom said sarcastically.

– Don’t joke like that mom. At least he’s a handsome man. Such horns and figure. But for him to love a girl from such a wilderness.

– You’re eighteen. It is the age to think about your husband and family. Moreover, I trained you with a sword for many years. He does not fit a wife who can stand up for herself. «Mom hugged me.

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