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A harsh bright light woke me up. The neighbor was still asleep. It’s already five o’clock in the morning, after all, the city people. It’s time to get up. I dressed up. I washed my face. But what to do. Walk around the hostel where I don’t know anyone. Especially so early. I may be mistaken for a thief. I don’t want to sit in a dungeon for the second time. It took three weeks last year. It was not necessary to climb into the pocket of a merchant in a tavern. Especially after three mugs of kvass.

– Did you wake up yet?

A thin voice asked me a question. She must have been woken up at six. Life on a farm is probably easier than that of a sailor.

– Yes, the day in our fishing village began at five. I’m your new neighbor Julia.

– And you, who did Claudius himself choose. Heard a lot about you. I’m Lena Psheno. But everyone here calls me freckle.

– Clear. – And in fact, there are too many of them on her face. Especially since she has red hair. How the inquisition of the empire of light did not reach her. I don’t understand. I myself have a bad attitude towards the religion of Light. Two friends were thrown into the fire. Creatures.

The neighbor was talking about her life on the farm. That she dreams of finding true love here. As if she is in life. These are all fairy tales for stupid girls. She told how she worked the fields, how she sold vegetables in the city. And all in this spirit. I just want to graduate and go home. And maybe a couple of times to see the demon Claudius. Although I had no illusions about this. He will choose as his wife the daughter of some aristocrat or even a princess from distant lands. Here they also study. But definitely not me.

– What is your strength? – Asked unexpectedly neighbor brushing her teeth.

– I dont know. Mother said that once I almost burned down the house. Here’s my strength and sealed.

– Oh how! Fire power is very rare. Only the most powerful magicians have it, about three percent of them. I have an earth type, twenty-five percent of all magicians can do this. The most common is the fifty percent water sign. The remaining twenty-two air. Also, dark and light magicians used to meet, but now they are gone. So you will be the object of attention. It’s understandable why the director chose you.

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