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– Hello traveler. Here’s bread and salt for you. Accept them and enter our house.

He smiled at me. In many areas of the country, these customs have long been forgotten. But not in our area. In general, time flows differently here. A strong hand broke off the bread and dipped it in salt, he greedily ate it. I wanted him to break me off and eat me as well. That’s how handsome he is. Before that, I had no such thoughts.

– Lead the beauty. – He said in a gentle voice from which I melted.. Then, in a different authoritative tone, he said to the coachman. «Go through the portal and wait for my call.»

The coachman nodded. Read the spell and disappeared. My amazement knew no bounds. There was very little magic in our cuts.

– Of course adviser. Be our guest. Mom is already waiting for you.

– The old robber. Haven’t seen her for a long time. We have something to discuss. Then he stroked my cheek. He smiled, baring a row of sharp teeth. I wasn’t scared. This sight mesmerized me. You are the sweetest part of our conversation.

We entered the house.

Chapter 2

Entering the house, the most beautiful demon that I have seen in my life tripped over my cat. Which of course was called Pirate. And fell to the licked floor. But I caught it well. It wasn’t as heavy as I thought. Although my mother made me catch huge stingrays from childhood. That’s how I learned to carry weights. He quickly got to his feet and looked a little embarrassed. In fairy tales, this is what princes do, not fishermen like me. He became funny. But then my mother came to meet us. Strong and big lady.

– Hi friend. – Mom said brazenly and hit him on the shoulder. Swipe. He barely remained on his feet. My mother is a thunderstorm of the seas and oceans.

– Hello sweet lady. You are full of life as always. The demon said and bowed to her. That’s how much he respects her. It was rare for the nobles to pay respect like that, especially to us commoners.

– Sit down at the table, since you arrived. I hope I didn’t show the letter to anyone. And then I hit for real. – Mom said angrily. The demon immediately shook his head. Apparently he’s afraid of her. – That’s good. We set the table for you.

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