Читать книгу A girl at the Demon Academy. They don’t know who I am and neither do I онлайн | страница 4

We sat down at the table. Big and round. From a mast tree that threw ashore. Our craftsmen used to do such for export. But now this part of our culture is forgotten.

– Excellent meals. You can’t eat like that in the royal palace. And wine is a real elixir. This is no longer produced. The vineyards of the elves have been plundered by the orcs for seven years now. – Said the adviser, and began to lick his fingers. It can be seen that with us he did not keep manners. We, too. But how I wanted him to lick my fingers like that.

– Don’t look at me. This is my daughter’s cooking. Not only a beauty, but also a cook. Who is she like? She said a little sadly. It always happened when she remembered that I was not her own daughter.

– I willingly believe. She is very dexterous. He looked at me with ardent eyes. It’s good that I stayed in my chair and did not fall from such a look. Why did you block her powers? Can I see a seal on it? It had to be developed. Useful in the future. «He winked at me. So soft.

– So the bastard almost burned down my house. Mom smiled at me. And stroked her head.

– There was no such mother. Don’t slander me in front of a guest. – I felt so ashamed. I wanted to make a good impression on him. And what seal is he talking about? I never had magical powers.

– It was after your last visit. She was eight. The eyes lit up with fire. Hands were on fire. I got angry because of the guy, I didn’t let her go for a walk. Here’s a trickster. Barely took her out of the house. My shed burned down. Well, at least the cows went to the pastures.

You said it was lightning. And I don’t remember that. – I said in confusion.

– So then we daughter went to the city of Thyme. There, my old acquaintance, the witch Terimuska, put a seal on you. And erased the memory of it. She wanted to take you as a student. But I refused. You never know what this hag system has in its head. I would also let you in for experiments. She can. I saw a lot while swimming with her in the seas.

– So this is how it is. – Said the demon eating a stalk of garlic. We need to find other uses for her talents. She can’t survive in this wilderness. The seal is temporary. Might break soon. We have a lot to discuss. Pirate.

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