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– Daughter. Blow into bed. We have a lot to discuss with the adviser. And then he thought of taking my assistant away from me. And who will help in the store? Why did I call you old donkey?

– Get out, dear lady. And now I will raise my voice. It’s too early for you to hear such words. And then your mother takes on a lot. – He said with yellow eyes from anger. Mom shouldn’t have talked to him like that. He’s from the nobility. Lord.

– Mom will be all right. – I said fearing for her health. He’s still a demon. And I heard a lot about their strength in fairy tales.

– That’s with me. The mother laughed. Demon too. «We are friends and have always said that. Go to bed.

I started to leave. What a handsome demon he is. Probably lives in a big castle with many servants. He thinks my shack is funny.

– And don’t eavesdrop. The adviser will put a barrier. And then I know what kind of sensitive ears you have. Tomorrow we will discuss everything in the store.

I closed the door. A spell sounded. The sounds from the kitchen are gone. I didn’t want to sleep. What kind of power are they talking about? I’m that special. I didn’t think of myself that way. Although I always dreamed. She sat down near the bed and waited for the demon to leave. For a moment, I wanted to see him again. After all, he can leave and we will never see each other. After midnight his carriage appeared. The little gnome was waiting for his master. The demon came out in a rage. Kicked some rocks so hard that they ended up in the sea. Shake hands. And sat on the carriage. For a couple of minutes I saw her driving down the road. But disappeared over the horizon. This is how my life will go in this wilderness. The moment of happiness has passed. I went to bed and fell asleep. I didn’t see dreams. Everyone dreamed of him. About advisor. About the demon. Maybe I’m in love.

Chapter 3

Morning came suddenly. Mom and I went to the grocery store. Our only wealth. Mom was silent all morning. No matter how many times I asked. I realized that it is better not to anger her. Apparently the conversation didn’t go well last night. Although he is so beautiful this demon. The whole day was like not myself. That can of tuna damage. Thankfully it didn’t break. Then, sweeping the broom with scraps, she grabbed it very strongly.

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