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– Friend. You were dreaming. We simple young ladies from the wilderness do not shine like that. Although I would look good in a dress. I would love this guy to the fullest.

I looked at my friend. Weight about a hundred. Hefty hands that easily hold an ax. She is in leather armor. A real warrior. And everyone dreams of a prince.

I also wanted to be in his arms.

– In mine, he would not have resisted for a long time.

– All you about one girlfriend. I want true love. The one that will be with me forever.

– Me too.

It became sad in the evening when I was left alone. It’s been a week since I met the demon. I have already decided that I will live in this wilderness all my life. But one letter changed everything.

Chapter 4

In the evening, a local postman came to us and gave us a pile of papers. So he always did once a week. There, as always, there were various papers with taxes. Newspapers with news. But among them I noticed a bright envelope. He was shining from within. It definitely had magic in it. Strong magic. The envelope says from the adviser and that’s it.

– Mom, what is it?

Mother approached me sternly. Apparently she was waiting for this, but she hoped that it would not come to this. With a groaning heart, she opened the envelope. I read quickly and closed my eyes. A tear ran down her cheek. You don’t see that often.

– Daughter. You will go to the academy to study. That donkey still wanted to see you there. Your strength did not give him rest. In vain I wrote to him so that he would find a husband for you.. Study for five years and come back. The scholarship is good. You have enough for life. After graduation, the king pays each student a thousand gold coins. And he offers a position in his ministries. But you don’t agree. Come back to me right away. Enough for a new ship. We will sail away from this country, and there we will find a husband for you abroad. Maybe I’m not that old either.

She said cheerfully. She seems to have accepted what happened. I took the paper from her hand. Indeed, I’m invited to the magic academy. The carriage will arrive tomorrow evening. Do not take things with you. All expenses will be covered by the treasury. People with talent like mine are taught for free. And kept in the best conditions.

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