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Ciara gritted her teeth. ‘Don’t you dare, Elle. I mean it. I feel crap enough as it is!’

Having gorgeous, skinny friends was a curse. She stormed past Elle, through the massive corridor and down two flights of stairs until they were at the ‘ground’ level. Or at least the level with the cars.

‘Just don’t reach up and you’ll be fine,’ Elle said from behind her.

‘What took you so long?’ Gem asked. She was tapping her pink flip flops against the gravel. ‘It’s usually Elle we have to drag out kicking and screaming.’

‘My trousers shrunk and my arse got bigger. Can we go now?’ Her cheeks flared with irritation and a lot of mortification. So much for all the exercise she’d done.

‘I really think you should get changed,’ Elle said, tugging on her arm. ‘You have dresses—’

‘No way,’ Gem butted in, grabbing her other arm. ‘I’m starving. We’re leaving now.’

Elle might be bossy but Gem was fierce when she wanted to be. Winning the tug of war, her friend probably gave her a bangle of bruises round her wrists but she didn’t argue much. She was starved too.

On the way, Elle kept looking at her stomach and irritation flared again. ‘Stop looking at me like an alien is going to burst out of there. It’s fat, nothing else.’

‘It’s not that I’m looking at. Your trousers. There… Um… very tight.’ Elle’s cheeks scored pink and she was back to pressing her lips together.

‘I know that!’ Feck, if she’d laughed at Elle for this she’d be one friend down. Permanently. She stared out of the window, ignoring the ache in her jaw from more teeth clenching. She was even struggling to appreciate the pretty scenery with the mood she was in.

‘Elle that’s bitchy, even for you,’ Gem said.

‘I’m being a friend, not bitchy. But it’s okay, her top covers it.’

The fat. The new fat she’d acquired from comfort eating everything she could stuff into her face their last day in Paris. Served her right, really. But she was paying for it now.

‘What are you talking about?’ Gem asked as they pulled up in front of the restaurant.

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