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‘You’re miserable, aren’t you?’ Elle asked.

‘Don’t be daft,’ she protested but it sounded weak.

Gem peeled the cucumber slices from her eyes and pinned her with a ‘mmhmm’ look.

‘Really,’ Ciara said, glaring at them both. She handed Elle her phone. ‘You keep hold of that and I’ll stop obsessing. Promise.’

Elle gaped at her like she’d just handed her a kidney. ‘You’re giving me your phone?’

‘If my da calls I’ll speak to him but no one else ever does and it will stop me checking it every two seconds.’

Thankfully, she’d been wise enough to delete the sexting. And sensible enough to delete Zack’s number, just in case.

Gem frowned. ‘Ciara, it’s your phone.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘Exactly. It’s not my arm or my leg, just a piece of plastic that wasn’t affordable till I was sixteen. People did used to live without them, you know.’

‘Cavemen,’ Elle grumbled. ‘Jesus maybe. But this is the 21st century!’

For all their smarts, when it came to history they were clueless. ‘Believe it or not, even last century people got by without mobiles. And TV.’

Her friends shuddered. Drama queens.

Elle shook off the horror first then dived straight into Ciara’s phone, nosing like a pro.

‘There’s nothing incriminating there, you know,’ Ciara said.

‘Good, I don’t want to have to bleach my eyes before dinner. God your 4G is slow.’ Elle had zero patience with technology and soon switched it to standby.

Ciara didn’t want the gaping horror back on their faces, so didn’t mention her phone barely had 3G. Instead she lay back and enjoyed the temple massage. The women Elle hired to give them the works over the next ten days definitely knew what they were doing. But she’d get bored of this soon. Lying around and being pampered was nice, just not for her.

And the down side of all this relaxing was she had too much time to think about things she shouldn’t. Zack, the fact there was nothing waiting for her back home work wise – unlike her friends she lacked ambition and had spent her summers in England instead of hunting for internships, and on top of all that, she’d put on so much weight munching down on croissants in Paris that most of her trousers were tighter than her skin.

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