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She groaned, but it had nothing to do with the fingers at her temples moving in relaxing circles – she wasn’t relaxed at all.

‘Enough with the sex noises, Ciara. It’s disturbing,’ Elle said and Gem laughed.

‘Ha. Ha. Actually, I was thinking about how fat my arse has gotten since Paris.’ At least in LA and Miami she’d had Zack to help her work out.

‘You can always order a salad you know,’ Gem said.

‘And miss the chance to try proper Greek food? I don’t think so.’ Ciara sighed. ‘But maybe I should do a few laps in the pool before we go.’

She sat up and thanked the masseuse, determined to go for a swim. After all, her friends still had pedicures to go and if she knew Elle, manicures too.

‘You’re insane. I’d rather starve than work myself into a sweat,’ Elle griped, then reset the cucumber back over her eyes.

‘To each her own,’ Ciara said, then got off the massage table. Elle really hadn’t been kidding when she said Greece would be about pampering and relaxation before they hit the next crazy stop on their destination.


The bedroom door swung open just as Ciara was wriggling into her favourite pair of white linen trousers.

Elle barged in, looking more like a glamour puss than she ever could. ‘You’re never allowed to moan about the length of time I take to get ready again.’

‘I’m having a wardrobe disaster,’ Ciara said, then had an idea. She lay on the bed, sucked in her stomach and gave her trousers a heave. Finally, they buttoned.

Elle bit her lip. ‘Um, Ciara. I don’t think you’ll want to wear those.’

She sat up, feeling the squeeze around her hips and bum, and had to agree. But she loved these trousers and hadn’t had a chance to wear them yet. She saw this as motivation, if nothing else.

‘It’s too late for that now, we have reservations. My top hides how much they choke me anyway.’ She pulled on a loose fitting flowery smock that came down to her hips, grabbed her bag and slipped on her gold flip flops.

Elle pressed her lips together and her eyes watered like she was trying to stop herself from laughing.

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