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This was the part she’d been dreading. Thank god there was lots of wine left.

‘We should dance,’ Gem said. ‘It looks fun!’

‘I’m sure it will be hilarious if I get up,’ Ciara grumbled. ‘I’ll be the entertainment for the rest of the evening.’

‘You’re a crabby shit when you want to be aren’t you?’ Elle said.

She shook her head then sighed. ‘I’m sorry, it’s not your fault I ate all those croissants and now I’m bursting out of these trousers.’

Gem, obviously well on her way to sloshed, said, ‘Can you really put on weight on your vag? I mean, I get hips and arse and even stomach but down there?’

Ciara didn’t know if it was the honest to god curiosity in Gem’s tone that pushed her toward the edge of madness or whether she’d just hit the point of cracking up, but she laughed so hard her eyes watered and her ribs hurt.

Elle joined in, and soon Gem too but she still had that burning need for knowledge glittering in her eyes.

After pulling herself together, Ciara said, ‘I don’t think so. I just had to tug them up too high to get them fastened.’

It wouldn’t be a problem for long. First thing tomorrow she was starting her new get fit and skinny routine which meant lots and lots of exercise. Maybe even enough so she could come back here every night and enjoy a three courser. It would be her treat after being forced to lie around all day getting massages and facials and whatever else Elle had planned.

‘Ladies, can I persuade you to join in?’

Elle and Gem turned to the gorgeous Mediterranean man who’d asked. By the gaga look on Gem’s face and the little sheen of drool on Elle’s lips, they really wanted to accept the offer.

‘You two go have fun. I’ll watch our stuff.’ And the wine, though she was planning on doing more than look at it.

‘You sure?’ Elle asked, but Gem was already out of the chair and fawning over the male performer.

She laughed. ‘Really sure. It’s a pity I don’t have a camera. Snapping you two would keep me busy.’

‘Here!’ Elle dug out her own phone and handed it to Ciara. ‘Snap a few and Instagram them. The good ones I mean.’

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