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More staff appeared from the house, all speaking Greek with one another and Ciara didn’t even try to guess what they were saying. Unsurprisingly, Elle knew and dished out some orders fluently, then their cases were taken into the house.

‘Why don’t we leave exploring until tomorrow?’ Elle asked, instead of demanding like she usually did. She was getting good at the tactful stuff. ‘There’s a restaurant not far from here and they put on really good shows at night.’

Ciara barely heard. She’d switched her phone on the second they got off the plane and ever since had checked it every two seconds. It had been almost two days since she left Zack the voicemail and she hadn’t heard from him since.

Still nothing. She tried to tell herself that didn’t matter. She was in a beautiful place with lots of exotic flowers, strong sunlight, a pretty beach and the potential for some serious fun.

She wasn’t going to let it matter. This was about enjoying time with her friends, not pining over someone who obviously didn’t want her.

‘Sounds fun to me. You in, Ciara?’ Gem asked.

‘Yes. Fun.’ When they both looked at her funny, she tried to remember what they were asking her. Right, restaurant with a show. ‘Really, it sounds good. I’m starving.’

They laughed and headed for the house.

‘I’ll ask them to make us a light lunch and we can go later. I had massages and pedicures booked for after the flight.’

By the time she’d unpacked, there was no missed call flashing on her phone and even during lunch when Gem told Elle they were going for a bike ride round the town with their Geeks Gone Greek tee-shirts and there had been loud refusals, there was still no missed calls or messages on her phone.

She’d tried to be discreet, but during a languorous foot and temple massage with them, Elle caught Ciara’s mobile screen lighting up and sighed.

Elle said, ‘He’s not going to come, not after what I said to him in Paris. Believe it or not, he’s even more stubborn than me.’

Ciara nodded, trying to keep her expression blank and obviously failing because Elle took her hand and squeezed.

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