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‘Thank god we’re here. Now I can get into my bikini,’ Elle said, pointing along the dirt road they were being driven down by the Muir’s driver.

After seeing the Land Rover waiting for them at the airport, Ciara had worried that the next of the Muir’s properties was going to be some shack in the middle of nowhere or something, but she hadn’t been prepared for this.

The house – again, if she could call it that – which Elle pointed to, was massive. It seemed to have six levels, each one backing up on the mountain like a staircase and ending with a huge raised patio over the beach. There was a hot tub, swimming pool and a stone area centred by the biggest dining table she’d ever seen.

Looked like Santorini was going to be another luxury trip.

‘Wow, is that your granddad’s yacht?’ Gem asked as they got closer.

To the side there was a pier stretching into the clear blue sea, a boat with more multi-levels, a group of jet skis hooked to a buoy further out, and a shed that could fit ten dorm rooms, easily.

‘That’s a yacht?’ Ciara asked. It looked more like a ship to her.

‘Yes, but don’t get any ideas. I haven’t a clue how to sail it even if I’d go near the sea.’ Elle shuddered. ‘The water’s disgusting.’

It looked gorgeous to Ciara – all blue, clear and shimmering in the sun. She couldn’t wait to go for a dip.

‘Anyway, I have so many treatments and massages booked that we won’t even need to leave the house,’ Elle said.

The thing was huge, no doubt about it. But, still. Ciara didn’t want to be cooped up in the thing for over a week. ‘Why don’t we hire a car and see more of the island?’

‘I’m not doing anything until I get this tee-shirt off and catch some sun,’ Elle protested.

Gem scowled at her. ‘I’ll come with you, Ciara. Just as soon as I’ve unpacked.’

The driver pulled into a triple garage where she saw that the Land Rover wasn’t the only thing they had here. Quad bikes and a Porsche filled the other spots and she wondered if they were Zack’s, since the way Elle spoke of her granddad made her think he was a bit old to be zooming about on them. No way were they Elle’s – she wouldn’t want to risk messing up her hair.

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