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“If we wait too long, we could all be dead.” Pitbull took up a position in the shadow of the airplane and lined up his sights with the driver of the oncoming truck.

“I’m with Pitbull.” Harm reached for his backpack and pulled out a .45-caliber handgun.

The other four men did the same. Soon, everyone waiting at the plane was armed and ready for whatever was headed their way.

The big truck pulled to a lumbering stop several yards away from the plane.

A woman appeared out of the cloud of dust, wearing tall leather riding boots, khaki slacks tucked into the top of the boots and a matching khaki shirt, unbuttoned to reveal an ample amount of cleavage. She swept a wide-brimmed safari hat from her head and shook out auburn curls. “We’re here to help.”

Buck let out a long, low whistle. “Wow.”

She was followed by three dark-skinned men dressed in khaki uniforms and carrying machine guns.

Pitbull aimed for the first one, keeping all three in his peripheral vision. If any one of them made a move, he’d take them down.

“Hey, don’t shoot!” a sultry voice called out. “We’re really here to help.”


Marly shoved her pistol back into the holster beneath her flight suit and stepped forward, holding out her hand to the woman who came to a halt in front of her. “Marly Simpson. I’m the pilot. You got here fast.”

The other woman was shorter, curvier and stunningly beautiful. Next to her, Marly felt like the ugly stepsister to Cinderella. She shoved aside the thought and shook the woman’s hand.

“Talia Montclair. Nice to meet you.” She shook Marly’s hand with a firm grip and turned to the others. “I’m from All Things Wild Safari & Resort. We got a call from the local police to come pick up the passengers and crew from an aircraft since it went down closest to our operations.” She stared around at the others. “Anyone badly hurt? I’m also a trained paramedic.”

Buck lifted his hand.

Talia’s brows rose. “What’s the nature of your injury?”

He pressed the hand to his chest. “You just stole my heart.”

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