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The water buffalo and zebras stopped running and went back to grazing, as though it were an everyday occurrence to be disturbed by landing airplanes.

Pitbull trailed behind the others as they followed Marly.

“Need a hand?” T-Mac asked.

Marly lifted the lid to the engine compartment. “Know anything about airplanes?”

T-Mac shrugged. “No, but I’m handy with a variety of engines and computer issues.”

“You’re welcome to look over my shoulder.” Marly opened the luggage compartment and started tossing backpacks and duffel bags to the ground. “I have a ladder in here somewhere.” Once she’d dumped everything else out of the way, she said, “There it is.” She yanked a small ladder out and stood it beside the plane. “Unlike all of you, I’m not six feet tall.” She climbed up and leaned over the engine.

“I’ve had engines quit in my car before due to fuel pump issues,” T-Mac offered.

“The fuel pump was replaced during the last annual maintenance on this plane,” Marly said. “But that doesn’t mean it didn’t go bad since then.” She looked down at Pitbull. “There’s a tool bag behind the back seat inside the plane. Could you get it for me?”

Pitbull nodded and hurried to comply. When he returned, Marly and T-Mac had their heads together, staring into the engine.

A flush of heat washed over Pitbull. He fought the urge to insinuate himself between the two. Hell, they were within kissing distance. Instead, Pitbull cleared his throat and shoved the tool kit between Marly and T-Mac. “Perhaps this will help.”

T-Mac leaned back.

Marly didn’t take the bag. Instead, she stared into the engine. “Could you hand me a crescent wrench, please?”

Pitbull bit back a retort, unzipped the bag and gave her what she asked for.

She reached into the engine with the wrench and jerked back her hand. “Damn. You’d think it would have cooled down by now.”

“Here, let me see.” T-Mac took her arm and inspected the inside of her wrist.

“I’ll be all right.” Marly tugged her hand free and bent over the engine again. A few minutes later, she pulled out a part, shaking her head. “Like you said, it’s the fuel pump. Looks like it burned up.” She handed him the part and leaned over the engine. “Thankfully, it’s the only thing burned up. A new part and this plane will be in the air again.” She straightened and grimaced. “It’ll be a rough takeoff, but I’ve been in worse places.”

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