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“Thank you.” Marly followed Talia into a beautifully appointed study. The walls were lined with built-in bookshelves. A massive mahogany desk graced one end of the room. The room had a masculine scent of books and wood.

Talia crossed to the desk and lifted a portable satellite phone. She handed the device to Marly and then turned to a computer monitor, bringing up a browser. “Help yourself to the internet. We do most of our communications via satellite. Unfortunately, we’re too remote for most cable or electric companies to keep up with those pesky lines.”

Marly thanked Talia, sat down at the computer and pulled up an internet browser to locate a replacement for the fuel pump. An hour later, she had a man on the phone with her answer. Not the one she wanted to hear, however.

“Five days?” Marly shook her head, despite that the guy on the other end of the communication couldn’t actually see her face as she spoke. “You can’t get it to me any sooner?”

The man answered, “It’s the best I can do. Take it or leave it.”

Marly drew in a deep breath and let it go. “I’ll take it. Thank you.”

She stood and stretched. What now? She hadn’t come prepared to be here for almost a week.

Talia poked her head through the open door of the study. “Find your part?”

Marly nodded and grimaced.

“Let me guess.” Talia tipped her head to the side. “It’ll be a week before they can get it to you.”

Marly laughed. “You know how things work in these parts, I take it.”

“Yes, indeed.” Talia crossed her arms over her ample chest and leaned against the door frame. “The kitchen stove quit working once when I had the resort booked solid. It took over a month to get a replacement. My chef and I had to cook everything on the outdoor grill, rain or shine. We were not amused.”

“Thankfully, it’ll only take five days, not a month. But I didn’t come prepared to stay overnight, much less five days.”

“No worries. I can loan you clothes to last you, and we have extra toiletries for guests who’ve forgotten items.” Talia touched her arm. “I can even cut you a deal on a room for the five days, since we’re not full at this time.”

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