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“Speaking of being in worse places.” Harm stepped up beside Pitbull. “How are we getting out of here?”

“I put in a call to the ATC. He said he’d send out a rescue crew.” Marly closed the engine compartment and started to step down from the ladder.

Pitbull reached out and took her hand to steady her. When she laid hers in his, he felt the tingle of electricity race up his arm and spread across his chest. He didn’t have time to analyze the feeling before she slipped on the last rung of the latter and pitched forward, slamming into his chest.

Pitbull went down, landing hard on his back, but cushioning Marly’s fall. She landed on his chest, her hands on the ground on either side of his arms.

“Sorry,” she said and scrambled to get off him. In the process, she kneed him in the groin.

Pain shot through him, wiping out the heat of the electricity her touch had generated. Pitbull doubled up, swallowing hard on the groan rising up his throat.

“I’m sorry,” Marly repeated. As she straightened and brushed the dirt off her hands, her cheeks flamed red. She held out her hand to Pitbull.

“I’m all right,” he said through clenched teeth, waving away her efforts. For a long moment, he lay still, willing the pain to go away.

“Well, damn.” Marly knelt beside him and started to reach for the parts still pulsing with pain. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

He let go of his package and grabbed her wrist to keep her from touching him down there. Hell, if she didn’t leave his parts alone, it wouldn’t be long before he embarrassed himself in an entirely different way, pain be damned.

Buck laughed out loud. “Can’t believe you let a girl clock your nads, dude.” He nodded to Big Jake. “You get one side, I’ll get the other.”

“I’ll get up when I’m ready,” Pitbull insisted.

“You’re ready,” Big Jake announced. With one of his buddies on either side of him, Pitbull was brought to his feet. Not that he was quite ready. He did his best to stand up straight, thankful the pain faded with each breath.

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