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Marly, unused to having men open doors for her, glanced toward the rear of the truck. “I can ride in the back. You guys are the clients.”

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Buck hooked her arm, marched her to the passenger side and handed her off to Pitbull. “You’ll ride up front. We’re used to eating dust.”

“So am I,” Marly argued.

Pitbull leaned close and whispered in her ear, “Are you always this disagreeable?”

She frowned at him. “Sometimes I’m even more so.”

Pitbull gripped her around the waist and lifted her up to the seat, ending the argument.

Marly sat down hard, shocked that he’d manhandled her so easily. She’d always considered herself to be too big to be girly. But Pitbull had just proven he was strong enough to sweep this independent, no-nonsense woman off her feet.

Her heart fluttered and her cheeks heated. Where his hands had clenched around her waist still tingled with awareness. She clamped her mouth shut and stared forward, refusing to look back at the man who’d set her blood speeding through her veins and pooling low in her belly.

What was wrong with her? This man was a US Navy SEAL. He probably had a woman in every port. Even if he didn’t, his job had him traveling the world at the drop of a hat. Nothing could ever come of a relationship with such a man.


* * *

PITBULL DIDN’T REGRET ending the argument with Marly by lifting her into the truck. He did regret the lingering electrical current running up his arms and down to his groin. Focus, man. Focus.

They were in Kenya for only a week. Let’s go on a safari, his teammates had said. It’ll be fun, they’d assured him. Nothing was fun about the raging lust spinning through his body for the woman he’d just touched, not when he knew it wouldn’t go anywhere. He wouldn’t be able to act on it. Thankfully, Marly would be gone as soon as she had her fuel pump. Hopefully that would be by the end of the day. Then he could concentrate on having a good time seeing all the animals and enjoying the resort. And maybe they could convince the 160th to send a helicopter out to retrieve them. They could call it a training mission to extricate military personnel from a hostile environment.

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