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Chung, Fields and Narmada watched the tank drive back toward the trawler.

“Keep an eye out for jet fighters from Gitmo,” warned Narmada, swinging up a Sidewinder missile launcher and activating the radar.


“Or Miami. They’re both close enough to do a recon.”

However, the empty sky remained clear as the APC trundled back into the ship, and the landing hatch was cycled back into place. Leaving the harbor, the trawler headed directly out to sea.

* * *

SUDDENLY, CHUNG GAVE a cry and staggered backward on deck, his shoulder gushing blood.

“Impossible!” Fields gasped, squinting into the darkness toward the coastline.

A second later, wild gunfire erupted onshore, the bright flashes of a small-caliber pistol strobing on the beach. The shots seemed wild, erratic. But another incoming round hit the door to the wheelhouse, and a third zinged off a brass stanchion.

“Bastard got me,” Chung grunted, slapping a hand on top of the wound. “Filthy stinking islanders...”

“Did you really expect them not to shoot back?” asked Narmada, sounding almost amused.

“I thought we’d taken them all out!” Lieutenant Fields shouted.

Chung, stumbled to a weapons chest, pushing aside a Redeye and a LAW to triumphantly extract a very old four-shot rocket launcher.

“Clear the deck!” he screamed, then started shooting, not caring if there was anybody behind him to be obliterated by the back blast.

Soon, a wall of flames spread across the beach, and Chung tossed the rocket launcher overboard with a grunt of satisfaction.

“Get below and see the doc,” Narmada said, still watching the sky.

“I’m fine.” Chung winced as his arm moved.

“No, you’re not, and that was an order, not a request.”

Scowling darkly, Chung paused, then nodded and started toward the nearest hatchway.

“Sir...” Lieutenant Fields began.

“Long story, Lieutenant,” replied Narmada. “Suffice it to say that unless he draws a weapon and points it at me, my personal debt to Chung will never be canceled. Good enough?”

“Whatever you say, sir.”

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