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“Not a problem. But the new model AK-101 is much better. Longer range, less ride-up, easier to clean.”

“Easier to clean.” She laughed. “Yes, you are a soldier. Politicians talk about firepower. Soldiers talking about keeping their weapons clean.”

“Damn straight.”

Major Cortez took another long, slow drag, then dropped the smoldering cigarette butt to the ground, crushing it under a boot heel. “You will be watched, and closely.” She rose from the chair. “At the first hint of treachery, you will be killed.”


“Then we have a deal.”


“Who is it you wish to kill? This enemy that you must get close to using...guile?”

“Captain Ravid Narmada, the leader of a pirate fleet that usually operates somewhere in the Atlantic.”

“Somewhere?” the balding rebel laughed scornfully. “Usually?”

Bolan shrugged.

“So you will draw him to you using the Constitution as bait,” Major Cortez said.


“This is intolerable,” one of the soldiers began with a worried expression.

“Jose, with the profit from selling half of the missiles delivered to us—”

“If they exist!”

The major gave a curt nod. “Yes, if they exist. But if they do, we could soon buy a second warship. The Russians are selling off their old diesel submarines very cheaply these days.”

“A submarine!” the burly rebel exclaimed.

Major Cortez gave a feral smile. “Imagine the surprise, Lieutenant Esteele, when a submarine rises from the middle of the Bay of Montevideo and uses its torpedoes to pave the way for the big gun of the Constitution, eh?”

From the expressions on the faces of the rebels, Bolan could see they liked the idea a lot.

“Two warships,” Major Cortez replied, using her fingers to brush back a loose strand of ebony hair. “A lion and a lamb. For the sake of the nation, I am willing to accept this risk.”

“Done,” Bolan said.

“Lieutenant Esteele,” the major said, “your new duties include watching Colonel Stone day and night. Guard him from harm, but one wrong move on his part, and you have my full permission to blow off his head—anywhere, anytime.”

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