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Armed with missiles and other military weapons, pirates take control of the high seas, ravaging ships and killing off their crews in the process. They’re on the brink of becoming unstoppable—unless Mack Bolan can put an end to their pillaging.

Using a cargo freighter as bait, Bolan attempts to lure the pirates into an attack. But when his plan backfires, he learns the leader of the group is more than a worthy opponent. He’s not only tactical in his planning, but a skilled fighter in multiple disciplines. And his influence reaches deep into one of Europe’s most notorious crime families. Bolan will need more than just his sea legs to seek and destroy the pirate fleet and its brutal, calculating commander. The open ocean is a war zone, and the Executioner isn’t taking prisoners.

Bolan threw open the helicopter hatch and jumped

He hit the ground running and took off. For a long moment, there was only empty pavement stretching ahead, as endless as a frozen black sea. Bolan thought of nothing but putting as much distance between himself and the Blackhawks as possible. Time was not on his side. Only speed and surprise.

Then he was approaching low buildings, rows of parked helicopters, planes, transports—and finally, the distant shimmer of a hurricane fence.

He heard the Blackhawk touch down behind him, the propellers cutting out.

“Help! Escaping prisoner!” Major Cortez yelled.

Bolan stole a backward glance and saw her running in the opposite direction. Seconds later, the rest of the Ghost Jaguars poured onto the tarmac, and he heard shots from the stolen weapons, shouts. An alarm went off.

The guards in a kiosk ahead of him stepped into view and started firing warning shots. The angle of their weapons was wrong for a kill, the rounds going high. But Bolan knew that would change fast.

Pirate Offensive

Don Pendleton

“Evil deeds do not prosper; the slow man catches up with the swift.”

—Homer, The Odyssey

“True justice is achieved when those who commit

monstrous acts are brought down before they can strike again. Fast or slow, I will chase wrongdoers to the ends of the Earth.”

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