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Bolan waited.

“The Constitution,” she finished.

“Good name,” Bolan said. But remember, you get the warship back afterward.”

“Perhaps. And if we do not? If it sinks or is stolen or damaged beyond repair?”

“Then I help steal you another. But I want the Constitution.”

“Why, if you can so easily steal another warship? Probably something even better than what we have.”

“Because your ship will not look dangerous,” Bolan stated bluntly. “But it actually will be. I’ll need that to get close to my target.”

“A covert attack?”


“I see,” the commander said, leaning back in the chair. “So, we each have something the other wants. But can we trust each other?”


“Good answer. Let me think on this,” she said, pulling out a cigarette pack. She tapped it on the bottom and one jumped up. She caught it between her lips then offered the pack to Bolan.

“Thanks, but I quit years ago,” he said. She shrugged, lit a match on the sole of her boot and inhaled. The rest of the rebels just stood there, watching him intently, waiting for the next order from their commander.

The muscles in his arms were starting to become warm, but Bolan was no longer likely to let go of the grenades. There was still plenty of time to negotiate. The rebels were poor but proud. They never would have accepted charity, or even a gift, naturally assuming there would be strings attached. But a deal, a trade, this they could accept. Besides, he would need a crew, and who better than the people who knew every nut and bolt in the vessel?

“What is your name, Yankee?” she asked out of the blue.

“Colonel Brandon Stone. And I am addressing...?”

“Major Esmeralda Cortez.”

Bolan nodded. “Major.”

“Colonel,” she replied in kind. “So, do you have a crew for our ship?”


She paused. “Us? You also want us?”

“Who better than the people who built it?”

Major Cortez took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. “That would require additional funding.”

“I expected as much. More missiles?”

“No, assault rifles. AK-47s with grenade launchers. And ammunition.”

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