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“Thank you for the room offer.” Marly bit her bottom lip. “Though I’m not sure your clothes will fit.”

Talia ran her glance from Marly’s head to her toes. “You’re taller, so the full-length pants won’t fit, but I have some formal dresses that will be ankle-length on you and shorts and capris you might fit into. We’ll make it work.”

“Dresses?” Marly cringed inwardly. “I haven’t worn a dress since I was in grade school.”

Talia’s brows rose. “Darling, you’ll have to around here, if you want dinner.” She spun toward the door. “And I’ll bet you have some great legs hiding under that flight suit. Follow me. You’ll be staying in one of the upstairs suites inside the house. And I’ll get you fixed up with clothes. If not from my wardrobe, well, people have left articles of clothing over the years. They’ve come in handy when luggage doesn’t arrive with the guests.”

Marly swallowed her groan. She liked her own clothes. They fit her and she felt like herself in them. Beggars can’t be choosers, she reminded herself. She just hoped the tops Talia offered didn’t hang on her chest, making her appear to be an underdeveloped teenager.

Again. Beggars can’t be choosers.

* * *

TALIA HAD SHOWN Pitbull and the other members of his team to their individual bungalows while Marly made her calls to locate the spare part she needed to get her plane back up in the air.

Pitbull welcomed the time away from Marly. Since they’d left that morning, he couldn’t get his mind off the feisty pilot. After their last mission, he hadn’t expected to see her ever again. Even then, he’d felt that spark of something, if not between them, then at least on his side. He didn’t much care for women who wore a lot of makeup or ratted their hair to achieve bigger, brassier hairstyles. He liked that Marly was natural and that she didn’t apologize for it.

He tossed his backpack on the bed, tugged his T-shirt off and headed for the shower. After riding in the back of the old truck, he felt as if he had an inch of dust coating his body and filling all the crevices.

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