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by treacherous smiths of Nogrod made

snapped …

The idea expressed in the Tale (II. 76) that Túrin was taken alive by Morgoth’s command ‘lest he cheat the doom that was devised for him’ reappears in the poem: lest he flee his fate (705).

The rest of the story as told in the poem differs only in detail from that in the Tale. The survival of Beleg in the attack by Orcs and his swift recovery from his grievous wounds (II. 77), present in much changed circumstances in The Silmarillion (p. 206), is here made perhaps more comprehensible, in that Elves from Doriath, who were searching for Túrin (654–5), found Beleg and took him back to be healed by Melian in the Thousand Caves (727–31). In the account of Beleg’s meeting with Flinding in Taur-na-Fuin, led to him by his blue lamp, the poem is following the Tale very closely.* My father’s painting of the scene (Pictures by J. R. R. Tolkien no. 37) was almost certainly made a few years later, when the Elf lying under the tree was still called Flinding son of Fuilin (in the Tale bo-Dhuilin, earlier go-Dhuilin, son of Duilin; the patronymic prefix has in the poem (814, 900) reverted to the earlier form go-, see II. 119).

In the Tale it is only said (II. 81) that Flinding was of the people of the Rodothlim ‘before the Orcs captured him’; from the poem (819–21) it seems that he was carried off, with many others, from Nargothrond, but this can scarcely be the meaning, since nought yet knew they [the Orcs] of Nargothrond (1578). The marginal note in B against these lines ‘Captured in battle at gates of Angband’ refers to the later story, first appearing in the 1930 ‘Silmarillion’.

The poem follows the Tale in the detail of Flinding’s story to Beleg, except that in the poem he was recaptured by the Orcs in Taur-na-Fuin (846 ff.) and escaped again (crept from their clutches as a crawling worm, 879), whereas in the Tale he was not recaptured but ‘fled heedlessly’ (II. 79). The notable point in the Tale that Flinding ‘was overjoyed to have speech with a free Noldo’ reappears in the poem: Marvelling he heard / the ancient tongue of the Elves of Tûn. The detail of their encountering of the Orc-host is slightly different: in the Tale the Orcs had changed their path, in the poem it seems that Beleg and Flinding merely came more quickly than did the Orcs to the point where the Orc-road emerged from the edge of the forest. In the Tale it seems indeed that the Orcs had not left the forest when they encamped for the night: the eyes of the wolves ‘shone like points of red light among the trees’, and Beleg and Flinding laid Túrin down after his rescue ‘in the woods at no great distance from the camp’. The cup outcarven on the cold hillside of the poem (1036), where the Orcs made their bivouac, is the ‘bare dell’ of The Silmarillion.

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