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Hark! he heard the horns hooting loudly,1285no ghostly laughter of grim phantom,no wraithlike feet rustling dimly –the Orcs were up; their ears had hearkenedthe cries of Túrin; their camp was tumult,their lust was alight ere the last shadows1290of night were lifted. Then numb with fearin hoarse whisper to unhearing earshe told his terror; for Túrin nowwith limbs loosened leaden-eyed was bentcrouching crumpled by the corse moveless;1295nor sight nor sound his senses knew,and wavering words he witless murmured,‘A! Beleg,’ he whispered, ‘my brother-in-arms.’Though Flinding shook him, he felt it not:had he comprehended he had cared little.1300Then winds were wakened in wild dungeonswhere thrumming thunders throbbed and rumbled;storm came striding with streaming bannersfrom the four corners of the fainting world;then the clouds were cloven with a crash of lightning,1305and slung like stones from slings uncountedthe hurtling hail came hissing earthward,with a deluge dark of driving rain.Now wafted high, now wavering far,the cries of the Glamhoth called and hooted,1310and the howl of wolves in the heavens’ roaringwas mingled mournful: they missed their paths,for swollen swept there swirling torrentsdown the blackening slopes, and the slot was blind,so that blundering back up the beaten road1315to the gates of gloom many goblins wilderedwere drowned or drawn in Deadly Nightshadeto die in the dark; while dawn came not,while the storm-riders strove and thunderedall the sunless day, and soaked and drenched1320Flinding go-Fuilin with fear speechlessthere crouched aquake; cold and lifelesslay Beleg the bowman; brooding dumblyTúrin Thalion neath the tangled thornssat unseeing without sound or movement.1325

The dusty dunes of Dor-na-Fauglithhissed and spouted. Huge rose the spiresof smoking vapour swathed and reeking,thick-billowing clouds from thirst unquenched,and dawn was kindled dimly lurid1330when a day and night had dragged away.The Orcs had gone, their anger baffled,o’er the weltering ways weary faringto their hopeless halls in Hell’s kingdom;no thrall took they Túrin Thalion –1335a burden bore he than their bonds heavier,in despair fettered with spirit emptyin mourning hopeless he remained behind.


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