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He nibbled at her soft, smooth skin, feeling her shivers of pleasure as she cocked her head to one side, allowing him greater access. She’d always liked it when he kissed her neck. When his teeth scraped her skin, when his tongue drew taut, damp circles just beneath her ear.

He slid one hand around, to the front of her. He cupped her center with the palm of his hand. Even through the fabric of her tailored slacks, he felt her heat, her need, pulsing at him.


“Damn it, Maggie,” he whispered, lifting his head to look down at her. “If you tell me to stop, I’ll…”

She smiled. “You’ll what?”

He sighed and let his forehead drop to hers. “I’ll stop.”

Maggie shifted her hold on him, moving to cup his face between her palms. She hadn’t come here for this, though if she were to be completely honest, she’d have had to admit that she’d hoped he would hold her again. Love her again. She’d missed him so much that the pain of losing him was a constant ache in her heart. Now, having his hands and mouth on her again was like a surprise blessing from the suddenly benevolent fates.

When she’d first left him, she’d prayed that he’d follow her, take her home and make everything right. When he hadn’t, it had broken her heart. But she’d tried to go on. To rebuild her life. She found a new job. Found an apartment. Made friends.

And still there was something missing.

A part of her she’d left here, at the ranch.

With him.

Looking up into the dark blue eyes that had captivated her from the first, she said, “Don’t stop, Justice. Please don’t stop.”

He kissed her, hard and long and deep. His tongue pushed into her mouth, claiming her in a frenzy of passion so strong she felt the tide of it swamp her, threaten to drown her in an overload of sensation.

From the top of her head to the tips of her toes, Maggie felt a rush of heat that was incredible. As if she were literally on fire, she felt her skin burn, her blood boil and her heart thunder in her chest. While his mouth took hers, his clever fingers unzipped her slacks so that he could slide one hand down the front of her, beneath the fragile elastic of her panties to the swollen, hot flesh awaiting him.

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