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She jerked her head back as if he’d slapped her.

“This is not about getting another man into my life,” she told him. “This is about getting a man out of my life. You, Justice. We’re not together. We’re not going to be together. You made that plain enough.”

“You leaving wasn’t my idea,” he countered.

“No, it was just your fault,” she snapped.

“You’re the one who packed, Maggie.”

“You gave me no choice.” Her voice broke and Justice hissed in a breath in response.

Shaking her head, she held up one hand as if for peace and whispered, “Let’s just finish this, okay?”

“You think a signed paper will finish it?” He moved in, dragging his hands from his pockets so that he could grab her shoulders before she could skitter away. God, the feel of her under his hands again fed the cold, empty places inside him. Damn, he’d missed her.

“You finished it yourself, remember?”

“You’re the one who walked out,” Justice reminded her again.

“And you’re the one who let me,” she snapped, her gaze locked on his as she stiffened in his grasp.

“What was I supposed to do?” he demanded. “Tie you to a chair?”

She laughed without humor. “No, you wouldn’t do that, would you, Justice? You wouldn’t try to make me stay. You wouldn’t come after me.”

Her words jabbed at him but he didn’t say anything. Hell, no, he hadn’t chased after her. He’d had his pride, hadn’t he? What was he supposed to do, beg her to stay? She’d made it clear that as far as she was concerned, their marriage was over. So he should have done what exactly?

She flipped her hair back out of her face and gave him a glare that should have set him on fire. “So here we are again on the carousel of pain. I blame you. You blame me. I yell, you get all stoic and stone-faced and nothing changes.”

He scowled at her. “I don’t get stone-faced.”

“Oh, please, Justice. You’re doing it right now.” She choked out a laugh and tried to squirm free of his grip. It didn’t work. She tipped her head back, and her angry eyes focused on his and the mouth he wanted to taste more than anything flattened into a grim slash. “Our fights were always one-sided. I shout and you close up.”

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