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“You haven’t changed anything,” she whispered.

“Haven’t had time,” he lied.

“Of course.” Maggie spun around to face him and her eyes were flashing.

Justice felt a surge of desire shoot through him with the force of a lightning strike. Her temper had always had that effect on him. They’d been like oil and water, sliding against each other but never really blending into a cohesive whole. And maybe that was part of the attraction, he mused.

Maggie wasn’t the kind of woman to change for a man. She was who she was, take her or leave her. He’d always wanted to take her. And God help him, if she came too close to him right now, he’d take her again.

“Look,” she said, those blue eyes of hers still snapping with sparks of irritation, “I didn’t come here to fight.”

“Why are you here?”

“To bring you this.”

She reached into her oversize, black leather bag and pulled out a legal-size manila envelope. Her fingers traced the silver clasp briefly as if she were hesitating about handing it over. Then a second later, she did.

Justice took it, glanced at it and asked, “What is it?”

“The divorce papers.” She folded her arms across her chest. “You didn’t sign the copy the lawyers sent you, so I thought I’d bring a set in person. Harder to ignore me if I’m standing right in front of you, don’t you think?”

Justice tossed the envelope onto the nearest chair, stuffed his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and stared her down. “I wasn’t ignoring you.”

“Ah,” she said with a sharp nod, “so you were just what? Playing games? Trying to make me furious?”

He couldn’t help the half smile that curved his mouth. “If I was, looks like I managed it.”

“Damn right you did.” She walked toward him and stopped just out of arm’s reach. As if she knew if she came any closer, the heat between them would erupt into an inferno neither of them would survive.

He’d always said she was smart.

“Justice, you told me months ago that our marriage was over. So sign the damn papers already.”

“What’s your hurry?” The question popped out before he could call it back. Gritting his teeth, he just went with it and asked the question he really wanted the answer to. “Got some other guy lined up?”

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