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The post-pandemic and its effects still present have motivated multiple discussions, making it clear that they do not want to return to a normalcy where its structural problems have not been solved by the market economy over several decades, but on the contrary they have become more acute and visible with the spread of covid-19. In order to overcome the numerous consequences in its various dimensions, changes are promoted in the current economic model, in such a way that it allows to overcome its failures and reorient the role of the State towards a more active one in economic, social, and environmental terms, where a preponderant role is given to collective needs, sustainable development, and everything related to the Sustainable Development Goals (sdgs). The new post-pandemic scenario raises the need to promote ties of solidarity, cooperation, and democracy through the different approaches of the social and solidarity economy and their organizations and companies. By having inclusive, democratic, participatory, supportive, and sustainable governance, they can contribute multidimensionally to closing the gaps of inequality and economic, social, cultural, environmental, and political exclusion. This is possible to the extent that public policies are designed and implemented together with economic recovery measures that include the various approaches to social and solidarity economy. In this volume, researchers from Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia and other universities analyze the challenges of the post-pandemic context and make some proposals.

Keywords: Fair trade, covid-19, local and territorial development, social and solidarity economy, post-pandemic, alternative proposals, basic income.

How to cite this book?

Sacristán Rodríguez, C. P. (Ed.). (2021). La pospandemia en un contexto de desarrollo solidario (vol. 5). Ediciones Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. http://dx.doi.org/10.16925/9789587603460

La pospandemia en un contexto de desarrollo solidario

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