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Drawing on nearly 100 empirical studies, Houshmand, Spanierman, and DeStefano (2017) constructed three categories to organize microaggressive themes related to race and ethnicity. Specifically, they identified: (a) pathologizing differences, (b) excluding and rendering people of color invisible, and (c) perpetuating color‐blind racial attitudes. We add a fourth category: (d) using stereotypes to denigrate and pigeonhole, documented across a number of qualitative studies. Pathologizing differences and using stereotypes most closely align with microinsults, whereas the other two categories align with microinvalidations.

Microaggressions, whether they fall into the category of microassaults, microinsults, or microinvalidations, are detrimental to the well‐being and standard of living of members of marginalized groups in our society. And, as we discussed, the subtlest forms may inflict the greatest harm through their frequency and ambiguity. In ssss1 we turn to a discussion and analysis of the psychological dilemmas created by microaggressions and attempt to describe the psychological and internal processes of both recipients and unintentional perpetrators.

The Way Forward

Defining, Recognizing, and Deconstructing Hidden Messages in Microaggressions

Microaggressions are a constant and continuing reality for people of color, women, and LGBTQ individuals in our society. They hold their power over perpetrators and targets because of their everyday, invisible nature. In many respects, all of us have been both perpetrators and targets. With respect to the former, we have been guilty of having delivered microaggressions, whether they are based on race, gender, sexual orientation, ability, religion, or social class. Microaggressions are harmful to people from marginalized groups because they cause psychological distress and reinforce and reproduce disparities in health care, employment, and education. The first steps in overcoming racial, gender, sexual‐orientation, and other forms of microaggressions involve:

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