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 Sexual objectification. Sexual objectification is the process by which women are transformed into “objects” or property at the sexual disposal or benefit of men. There is a dehumanizing quality in this process because women are stripped of their humanity and the totality of their human essence (personal attributes, intelligence, emotions, hopes, etc.). Playboy and Hustler magazine pictures of nude women, topless and bottomless entertainment clubs, using scantily clad attractive female models in commercials to sell goods or services, and countless other examples communicate that women's bodies are not their own and that they exist to service the sexual fantasies and desires of men (Fredrickson & Roberts, 1997). The interaction of race and gender and sexual objectification can be complex (Lott, Aquith, & Doyon, 2001). Researchers in one study found, for example, that Asian American women often experienced microinsults related to exoticization (D. W. Sue, Bucceri, et al., 2007). Participants complained of continual subjugation to the roles of sexual objects, domestic servants, and exotic images such as geishas. They felt their identities were equated to that of passive companions to White men. Interestingly, some speculated that White men are often attracted to Asian American women, who are perceived as feminine and submissive, primarily as a backlash to feminist values and the feminist movement. In another study that focused on Black women's experiences with gendered racial microaggressions, Lewis, Mendenhall, Harwood, and Hunt's (2016) participants reported being sexualized, which was linked to the Jezebel stereotype of promiscuity and uncontrollable sexual desire. Even elite female athletes are targeted by the microaggression of sexual objectification. In an analysis of media sources and scholarly literature, Kaskan and Ho (2016) found a focus on female athletes' appearance and the pressure they face to fit into traditional female gender roles.

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