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“If you bring the flyer with you on Wednesday, and buy a wrap, I’ll throw in a free coffee and hand pie of your choice.”

A few of the men took the menus right off. As more of them ate the various wraps, another handful took flyers. The interested response was better than nothing.

Heading back to her truck to clean up and shut down, some of the men who’d returned from eating off-site followed her.

“I’ll take a flyer,” one of them said, then another and another.

“I’ve still got coffee if you’d like a cup.”

Half a dozen stuck around for that, and since they were hanging around, she gave them some of the leftover hand pies, of which there were many. The assorted pies clearly got their approval, and soon a few more guys wandered over. Who didn’t want a free dessert?

It hadn’t been a winning day, but at least she hadn’t fallen completely on her face.

When she was all set to leave, she thought she should take a walk to the office, to see if Zack even wanted her coming back on Wednesday.

Hating the insecurity that was strung around her like Christmas tree lights after New Year’s, she stepped inside, doing her best to hide her true mood. One of the guys Zack had bought lunch for looked up from his desk and smiled. “That was a great seafood wrap.”

“Oh, thank you. Glad you liked it. I, uh, was hoping to talk to Mr. Gardner?”

The mobile office was small, and she could see Zack’s modest room in the back corner. He knew she was there, and the guy in the front area didn’t have a chance to reply before Zack gestured for her to come over.

Not wanting to appear timid, she mustered what was left of her confidence, holding her head high before she stepped inside. Thankfully, she’d remembered to take off her toque and remove the hair net.

“So what do you think?” Zack started.

“Wasn’t a very good showing. I was hoping a lot more guys would try out the food.”

“We’ve been here a month now, and they’ve gotten used to their routines. I think you should give it another shot, that is if you think it’s worth your effort. Come back on Wednesday and Friday, too—if you don’t have a better place to park somewhere else?”

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