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“This is the best tuna sandwich I ever had!” Emma said with her usual intensity.

“Let me have a bite,” Zack said.

“No Dad, you have your own.”

“I thought we shared stuff.”

“Oh, okay.”

He took a huge bite as Emma griped loudly. “Hey, leave some for me.”

“It is delicious, but I can’t believe you’re going to finish it.”

“Well, I might leave room for some puddin’ pie.”

“Then let’s wrap this up and take it home,” Zack said, extra loud, making a point to catch Lacy’s gaze, like a proud kid while saying the title of her truck.

As down as she felt over the lack of customers, she couldn’t help but smile.

But, hey, Zack had already broken his promise to set up places for people to sit. Everyone was forced to stand to eat the two-handed wraps, a messy business. He probably didn’t expect her to come back, or he wanted to see how the turnout was first before he made the effort, so why bother now. Good call, too, after the day’s paltry sales.

With only fifteen minutes remaining in the lunch hour break, and after selling only a dozen wraps, Lacy got an idea. She made a cell phone call to Zack, who’d gone back inside the office.

“Mr. Gardner, is it okay if I take some wrap samples to the guys out on the construction site?”

“I don’t see why not,” he said, after a second of silence. Construction had stopped. “Just watch out for nails and…”

“I will. Promise. Thanks!” She hustled to make two of each wrap on her menu, then cut them all into four pieces. With Emma sticking around like she was on the clock, Lacy grabbed two trays and, after covering them with a paper liner, put half of the sandwiches on each of the trays.

“Emma, can you carry one of these trays for me?”

“Okay!” Bright-eyes was on it.

Lacy grabbed a stack of flyer-styled menus, stuffed them in her apron pocket and headed out the door. Since the crowd hadn’t come to her, she’d go to the crew.

With Emma grinning and playing the perfect hostess, offering samples to the men who worked for her father, and with Lacy playing backup, they passed out every single quarter-wrap. Who could possibly refuse? Better yet, the men seemed to like them. Really like them. So she got another idea.

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