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Alec Lazarescu

“The next chapter of human existence is being formed right now, and as you ‘step into the metaverse’ you’ll fully understand the power of the convergence of technology, consumer trends, brands and reinvention of personal self expression.”

Justin W. Hochberg

Step into the Metaverse

How the Immersive Internet Will Unlock a Trillion-Dollar Social Economy

Mark van Rijmenam

About the Author

Dr. Mark van Rijmenam

The Digital Speaker is available for in-person keynotes as well as holographic presentations, and Van Rijmenam's avatar delivers talks in virtual reality. He is a recognized speaker by the Professional Speaker Association Australia, and he is a member of the Global Speakers Federation. He is the publisher of the ‘f(x) = e^x’ newsletter, read by thousands of executives, on the future of work and the organization of tomorrow. The Digital Speaker has spoken in 20 countries across the globe and collectively inspired over 100,000 managers, directors, and C-level executives.


Science-fiction stories such as Snow Crash or Ready Player One have described the metaverse as a virtual world of unlimited potential for entertainment and value extraction. In the metaverse depicted in these books, a centralized entity controls the metaverse, including all data, digital assets, and the people entering it. This is a dystopian future that by no means is impossible to happen in the real world, given that we have already built a centralized, closed, proprietary, and extractive internet. The current Web is governed by shareholder supremacy instead of user centricity, and we all have become addicted to “free” access to these platforms.

The downside of all these “free” services has been the degradation of privacy and the lack of control over our own data and identity. That is why I started Outlier Ventures in 2014, because I felt the need for a different story. It is a story where end users can regain control over their digital lives, driven by the convergence of technologies such as blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, and mixed reality, among others. Over the years, we have invested in dozens of companies that are building Web 3.0 technologies across all three key layers of Web 3.0 innovation: infrastructure, middleware, and applications.

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