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Praise for Step into the Metaverse

“Mark has created a comprehensive introduction covering the history, the current state and a look into the future of the metaverse. This book is a fantastic dive straight down the rabbit hole whilst wearing a jet pack, and you'll come out the other side fully able to work out what it means for you, and your company or organisation.”

Paul Hamilton

“I've been obsessed with the Metaverse since I first read Snow Crash many years ago. I've written thousands of words on the Metaverse, work in the industry, built VR experiences, and write a weekly newsletter covering the topic…. and yet I learned so much from Mark's book. There were still whole aspects of the Metaverse I hadn't considered. Even if you think you're educated on the topic, pick up the book. You'll come away from it filled with new things to research and explore, new connections you hadn't made in your mind yet.”

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