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In the tale the gap in the Mountains of Valinor was not made by the Valar for the sake of the Elves, nor was the hill of Kôr raised for them: they had existed since distant days, when ‘in the trouble of the ancient seas a shadowy arm of water had groped in toward Valinor’ (I. 122). In the passage in S can be seen the origin of that in The Silmarillion (p. 59). Here in S Côr is the hill and Tûn is the city built upon it (though in §2 there is a reference to Elves dwelling ‘in Côr’); see III. 93.

On the ‘invention’ of gems by the Noldoli see I. 138. The especial love of Mandos ‘the wise’ for the Noldoli is found neither in the Lost Tales nor in The Silmarillion, and may seem an improbable attribute of that Vala: cf. The Coming of the Elves, I. 117: ‘Mandos and Fui were cold to the Eldar as to all else.’

The passage concerning the Noldorin princes, added to the text of S (though probably after no great interval), is the origin of the passage in The Silmarillion (p. 60) which begins in the same way: ‘The Noldor afterwards came back to Middle-earth, and this tale tells mostly of their deeds …’ For the details of names and relations in this passage see the Note at the end of this section of the commentary.

The story of the coming of the Teleri (Solosimpi) to Valinor from Tol Eressëa comes in S, in essentials, almost to the form in The Silmarillion (p. 61); for the very different account in the tale see I. 124–6. In S, however, it was Ylmir (Ulmo) not Ossë who taught them the craft of shipbuilding, and this of course reflects the difference still underlying: for here Ylmir was still, as in the tale, eager for the coming of the Third Kindred to Valinor, whereas in The Silmarillion he had himself bidden Ossë make fast the island to the sea-bottom, and afterwards only ‘submitted to the will of the Valar’. – The name Ylmir – almost certainly the Gnomish form – appears in the Lay of the Children of Húrin, see III. 93; but the form Óin for Uinen is not found elsewhere.

Note on the Noldorin princes

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