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In the Lost Tales Melko’s first fortress was Utumna, and though it was not wholly destroyed to its foundations (I. 104) after his escape back into the Great Lands he was ‘busy making himself new dwellings’, as Sorontur told Manwë, for ‘never more will Utumna open unto him’ (I. 176). This second fortress was Angband (Angamandi). In S, on the other hand, the first fortress is Angband, and after his escape Morgoth is able to return to it (§4), for it was too strong for the Gods to destroy (§2). The name Utumna (Utumno) has thus disappeared.

In the passage describing the three hosts of the Elves on the great march from Cuiviénen (which occurs, by emendation, in the Lay of the Children of Húrin, III. 18, 23) there appears the later use of Teleri for the third kindred (who however still retain the old name Solosimpi, the Shoreland Pipers), while the first kindred (the Teleri of the Lost Tales) now acquire the name Quendi (subsequently spelt in S both Quendi and Qendi). Thus:

Lost Tales ‘Sketch’ The Silmarillion Teleri Q(u)endi Vanyar Noldoli Noldoli Noldor Solosimpi Teleri, Solosimpi Teleri

The formulation at the time of the Lost Tales (see I. 235) was that Qendi was the original name of all the Elves, and Eldar the name given by the Gods and adopted by the Elves of Valinor; those who remained in the Great Lands (Ilkorins) preserved the old name, Qendi. There also appear now the terms ‘Light-elves’, ‘Deep-elves’, and ‘Sea-elves’ (as in The Hobbit, chapter 8); the meaning of ‘the Elves proper’, applied to the first kindred, is clear from the Quenta (ssss1): ‘the Quendi … who sometimes are alone called Elves.’

Inwë of the Lost Tales now becomes Ingwë, with the Gnomish equivalent Ing which appears in the alliterative poems, as does Gnomish Finn (in The Flight of the Noldoli). Elwë (Elu) is in the rôle of the later Olwë, leader of the third kindred after the loss of Thingol. In the Tale of Tinúviel Tinwelint (Thingol) was indeed originally called Tinto Ellu or Ellu, but in the tales of The Coming of the Elves and The Theft of Melko, by later changes, Ellu becomes the name of the second lord of the Solosimpi chosen in Tinwelint’s place; see II. 50.

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