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Glórung creeps over. Turambar transfixes him with Gurtholfin8 ‘Wand of Death’, his black sword. Glórung coils back in anguish and lies dying. Turambar comes forth to retrieve his sword, and places his foot upon Glórung and exults. But the venom of Glórung gushes out as he tugs out his sword, and he falls in a swoon. The watchers see that Glórung is slain, but Túrin does not return. Níniel goes in search of him and finds him lying beside Glórung. As she is tending him, Glórung opens his eyes and speaks, and tells her who Turambar is, and lifts his spell from off her. Then she knows who she is, and knows his tale true from things Turambar has told her. Filled with horror and anguish she flies and casts herself over Silver Bowl and none ever found her body again. Tamar followed her and heard her lament.

Túrin comes back in triumph. He asks for Níniel, but none dare tell him. Then Tamar comes and tells him. Túrin slays him, and taking Gurtholfin bids it slay him. The sword answers that his blood is sweet as any other’s, and pierces him to the heart. Túrin is buried beside Silver Bowl, and his name carved in characters of Nargothrond upon a rock. Beneath is written Níniel.

Some say Morwen released from spell by Glórung’s death came that way and read the stone.

1 Added here: At his advice Narog is bridged (cf. note 5).

2 one of the first and mightiest > that first and mightiest

3 Added here: even Glómund, who was at the Battle of Tears (see note 4).

4 Glórung > Glómund here and subsequently, except at the last occurrence.

5 towards the lair > towards the bridge leading to the lair (cf. note 1).

6 she remembers little > she remembers not even her name.

7 Added here: though she is with child,

8 Gurtholfin > Gurtholfir at both occurrences.


Húrin was released by Morgoth after the end of Túrin and Nienor, for Morgoth thought still to use him. He accused Thingol’s faint heart and ungentleness of Túrin’s unhappiness, and Húrin wandering bowed with grief pondered his words and was embittered by them.

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