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Flinding leads the dazed unwitting Túrin towards safety. His wits return by Ivrin’s lake where are the sources of Narog, and he weeps a great while, and makes a song for Beleg, the ‘Bowman’s Friendship’, which afterwards became a battle-song of the enemies of Morgoth.


Flinding leads Túrin to Nargothrond. There Túrin gains the love and loves against his will Finduilas daughter of Orodreth, who had been betrothed before his captivity to Flinding. He fights against his love out of loyalty to Flinding, but Flinding seeing that Finduilas loves Túrin becomes embittered.

Túrin leads the Gnomes of Nargothrond to forsake their secrecy and hidden warfare, and fights the Orcs more openly.1 He has Beleg’s sword forged anew, into a black blade with shining edges, and he is from this given the name of ‘Mormakil’ or black-sword. The fame of Mormakil reaches even to Thingol. Túrin adopts the name instead of ‘Túrin’. For a long while Túrin and the Gnomes of Narog are victorious and their realm reaches to the sources of Narog, and from the western sea to the confines of Doriath. There is a stay in the might of Morgoth.

Morwen and Nienor are able to journey to Thingol leaving their goods in the care of Brodda who had wedded a kinswoman of Morwen. They learn at Thingol’s court of the loss of Túrin. News comes to them of the fall of Nargothrond. Morgoth had suddenly loosed a great army on them, and with them one of the first and mightiest2 of those Dragons that bred in his deep places and for a long while troubled the Northern lands of Men and Elves.3

The host of Narog is overwhelmed. Flinding wounded refuses Túrin’s succour and dies reproaching him. Túrin hastes back to Nargothrond but the Dragon and Orcs come thither before he can put it in defence, and all the fair halls beneath the earth are plundered, and all the women and maidens of Narog herded as slaves in captivity. Túrin seeks to slay the Dragon, but is held immovable by the spell of his eyes, while the Dragon Glórung4 taunts him. Glórung then offers him freedom either to follow seeking to rescue his ‘stolen love’ Finduilas, or to do his duty and go to the rescue of his mother and sister who are living (as he lying says) in great misery in Hithlum. Túrin forsakes Finduilas against his heart (which if he had obeyed his uttermost fate would not have befallen him) and believing the serpent goes to seek Hithlum. Glórung lies in the caves of Narog and gathers beneath him all the gold and silver and gems there hoarded.

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