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Thus Halog her henchman came home, but the Elves,the thanes of Thingol, thrust through the woods,and the message of Morwin in a month’s journey,so quick their coming, to the king was said.305Then was Melian moved to ruth,and courteously received the king her gift,who deeply delved had dungeons filledwith Elfin armouries of ancient gear,but he handled the helm as his hoard were scant;310said: ‘High were the head that upheld this thingwith that token crowned of the towering dragonthat Thalion Erithámrod thrice-renownédoft bore into battle with baleful foes.’Then a thought was thrust into Thingol’s heart,315and Túrin he called and told when comethat Morwin his mother a mighty thinghad sent to her son, his sire’s heirloom,a helm that hammers had hardened of old,whose makers had mingled a magic therein320that its worth was a wonder and its wearer safe,guarded from glaive or gleaming axe –‘Lo! Húrin’s helm hoard thou till manhoodbids thee battle; then bravely don it’;and Túrin touched it, but took it not,325too weak to wield that weight as yet,and his mind mournéd for Morwin’s answer,and the first of his sorrows o’erfilled his soul.

Thus came it to pass in the court of Thingolthat Túrin tarried for twelve long years330with Gumlin his guardian, who guided him thitherwhen but seven summers their sorrows had laidon the son of Thalion. For the seven firsthis lot was lightened, since he learnt at whilesfrom faring folk what befell in Hithlum,335and tidings were told by trusty Elves,how Morwin his mother was more at ease;and they named Nienor that now was growingto the sweet beauty of a slender maiden.Thus his heart knew hope, and his hap was fairer.340There he waxed wonderly and won him praisein all lands where Thingol as lord was heldfor the strength of his body and stoutness of heart.Much lore he learned, and loved wisdom,but fortune followed him in few desires;345oft wrong and awry what he wrought turnéd;what he loved he lost, what he longed for he won not;and full friendship he found not easily,nor was lightly loved for his looks were sad.He was gloomy-hearted, and glad seldom,350for the sundering sorrow that seared his youth.

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