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Leverage. How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World - Charles Smith Hugh, Karl Denninger

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How the wealthy and powerful abuse finance to skim immense profits Debasement of the dollar as a result of ill-use of leverage is destroying the global economy, and in Leverage, well known market commentator Karl Denninger follows the path of money throughout history to prove that currencies are debased when moneyed and powerful interests pull the levers of government and policy to enrich themselves at the expense of the masses. The result is ugly: the value of everything—including gold—falls, and even personal safety is at risk in a world where there is limited money even for essentials like food and fuel. History is littered with the collapse of monetary and economic systems from Rome to Germany to Zimbabwe. Presents an inside look at how moneyed and powerful interests debase the dollar through the willful and intentional failure to honestly represent short and long-term mathematical truths that underlie all economic systems Shows how, if imbalances are not corrected, financial crises will reoccur again and again Authored by Karl Denninger, who has been running the popular website The Market Ticker since 2007

Читать книгу Leverage. How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World онлайн, совершенно бесплатно и без регистрации. Автор книги Charles Smith Hugh, Karl Denninger. Жанр книги: Новинки книг, является одним из самых популярных жанров современности.

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Татьяна 5 сентября 2024 02:00
Эта книга предостерегает о том, как легкие деньги могут привести к разрушению мировой экономики. Авторы анализируют последствия политики низких процентных ставок и предупреждают о возможных катастрофических последствиях для мировой финансовой системы. Обязательно к прочтению для тех, кто интересуется экономикой и финансами.

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