Читать книгу Сельский вампир и другие истории Отца Брауна / Vampire of the Village and other Father Brown Stories. Уровень 3 онлайн | страница 3

He sat looking at the landscape as it fell past the window, and then said more sharply:‘I am coming down here, and asking your help, because there’s going to be an exhumation. They think that he has been poisoned.’

‘And here we are at the station,’ said Father Brown happily. ‘I suppose your idea is that poisoning the poor man would be among the household tasks of his wife.’

there never seems to have been anyone else here

But he knew that he never knew a story until he knew the characters in the storyshe happened to belong to his own church

whatever they might be

Rev.He even accused that legal character of having attempted to force himself

‘Well, there it is. He holds to the opinion that she is anadventuress; a sort of barmaid with golden hair. I tell him she’s not; you’ve met her yourself, and you know she’s not. But he won’t even meet her. He won’t even see her in the street or look at her out of a window. An actress would make his house and even his holy presence dirty. If he is called a Puritan he says he’s proud to be a Puritan.’

they are not views I understand very well myself

‘That’s his strongest point,’ replied the young man. ‘Not even one quick meeting. Of course, he is against my other theatrical tastes as well.’

it was easy to understand his having been extremely glad by finding the brilliant ladyat their parting

So long as he frowned, it might well have been only low spirit

was eaten from within by some griefNor did he drink or spend away his well-earned moneyhis brow darkened

on whom he called nextwas made to paint the priest’s son in the darkest coloursBut because it was about him having all the vices which Father Brown was quite sure the young man did not havebefore he managed to avoid a speech about the general fall of morals and manners

His next place of visit was very much of a contrastAnd so with the greatest opportunity of my whole careercuttings from newspapers

‘I’m quite sure they were great and very well-deserved,’ said the little priest. ‘I understood the company had left the village before Maltravers died. But it’s all right. It’s quite all right.’ And he began to walk down the street with speed again.

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