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‘You have come to destroy our gods and gain great wealth,’ she countered quickly.

I tried to explain that the gold here was of the same value as our glass, but Ignacia would not be fooled.

‘Do not lie. You want to take our land.’

‘That is not the purpose of our travels.’

‘Then why have you come?’

I tried to think of all the reasons that were not to do with wealth and conquest.

‘To find the New World,’ I argued.

‘But it is not new to us. This is what we have.’

I begged her: ‘Do not speak to me like this. I feel great love for you …’

‘And I for you, but how can this love survive?’

I could not answer her. She kissed me on the lips and moved away, saying only, ‘You have a wife?’

‘I do not.’

‘You have a woman who loves you.’

I could not counter her statement. But I did not know if Isabella had ever truly loved me.

‘I hope that you are my beloved.’

‘I do not believe you.’

I clasped her shoulders and turned her round, forcing her to look into my eyes. ‘At this moment, in this minute, in this hour, and on this day, I love none but you.’

She looked at me in disbelief.

‘You know how to use words …’

‘I speak the truth.’

‘I do not think so.’

‘Ask me then to prove my love.’

‘Renounce your people.’

It came so suddenly, so impossibly.

‘You know I cannot do this; it would be the same as asking you to come back with me to Spain, and for you to leave your home and father.…’

‘You cannot do this?’

‘No,’ I said, ‘I cannot.’

I was trapped in Isabella’s love; it was an arrangement from which I could not break free without shame or scandal.

‘Then you cannot love me,’ Ignacia said simply.

‘Trust me,’ I said with all my heart. ‘I will be true to you.’

‘I cannot see how this can be …’

‘And I cannot see how I can prove it.’

‘Swear …’ she said.

‘What shall I swear?’

‘That you will never forget me, that you will always love me. Swear.’

‘Upon what?’

‘Upon this chocolatl …’

I had never seen her so serious. ‘Love me,’ she said, taking my hand, as the flames leapt under the pan of melting chocolate.

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