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Australian time zones are shown on this map. There are three: Australian Western Standard Time (AWST); Australian Central Standard Time (ACST); and Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). Some individual states (Western Australia, Northern Territory and Queensland) do not use daylight saving time (DST) during the summer months. To obtain local (zone) time from Universal Time (UT), add the hours shown in this table. If the result is greater than 24, subtract 24 hours. If the initial or subsequent result is less than 12:00, the zone time is a.m.; if greater, subtract 12 hours to get the time p.m. The dates when Daylight Saving Time begins and ends are shown on the individual calendars inside the book. At the time of writing, it is introduced on the first Sunday of October and ends on the first Sunday in April.

Time zoneWinterSummerTime zoneWinterSummerAustraliaAdd hours shown to UT Australian Capital Territory 10:00 (AEST) 11:00 (DST) Western Australia 08:00 (AWST) no DST Victoria 10:00 (AEST) 11:00 (DST) Northern Territory 09:30 (ACST) no DST Tasmania 10:00 (AEST) 11:00 (DST) Queensland 10:00 (AEST) no DST South Australia 09:30 (ACST) 10:30 (DST) New Zealand 12:00 (NZST) 13:00 (NZDT) New South Wales 10:00 (AEST) 11:00 (DST) South Africa 02:00 (SAST) no DST

New Zealand

New Zealand uses a single time zone for the North and South Islands: New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) which is 12 hours ahead of UT. Daylight saving time (NZDT) is used in the summer, and begins on the last Sunday in September and ends on the first Sunday of April. (Note that it begins one week before the Australian start of Daylight Saving Time.) As for Australia, the hours shown above should be added to Universal Time (UT). If the result is greater than 24, subtract 24 hours. If the initial or subsequent result is less than 12:00, the zone time is a.m.; if greater, subtract 12 hours to get the time p.m. The dates when Daylight Saving Time begins and ends are shown on the individual calendars inside the book.

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